Thursday, May 24, 2007

Where the power really lies.... teacher's unions

Here is a really good piece offering sage advice to all parents.

But if you really want to know what makes your school tick, we have a revolutionary idea: Read the teachers' contract.

No other document has as much power to determine what, how, when, where and why your child learns at school - or, critics might counter, why he doesn't.

Yet another article, here, gives the skinny on teacher's unions.

A 1992 Detroit Free Press investigation entitled 'Shielding Bad Teachers' concluded that it takes a school district seven years and costs an average of $100,000 to fire a single incompetent public school teacher.

How hard is it to fire a bad teacher? Just check it out for yourself, it will make your head spin.

Also, Steve Jobs has something to say about teacher unions.
Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs lambasted teacher unions today, claiming no amount of technology in the classroom would improve public schools until principals could fire bad teachers.

I'm sure we've all heard what John Stossel thinks about teacher unions. If you haven't please check out my sidebar for the video link to "Stupid in America". It's well worth the time.

Am I the only one astounded by the audacity of the teacher unions?

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