Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Calling all homeschoolers for help

Hello all,
If you have been following my blog you know about the situation with the Director of Pupil Personnel (DPP). If not, you can catch up here.

I have been trying, to no avail, to reach the DPP via phone. Unfortunately he is out of office the majority of the day. It has been offered to leave my name and number via voice mail but I have no desire to give him my phone number. (He illegally demanded it at the beginning of this school year and I (within my rights) denied him access to such information.

Anyway, his email address has been given to me via his secretary (who will not schedule appts for him) for contact purposes.

If you feel so compelled please write this DPP to inform him of the law. It is not necessary (and likely not wise) to inform him that you are an acquaintance of mine. But, I do believe many emails may help sway this man's dislike for homeschoolers. Along that same thought, let me remind everyone to please edit your emails. It will not do for us to bombard him with hateful or grammatically incorrect emails.

Thanks to all!

Here is his email address:

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