Thursday, May 24, 2007

Homeschooled kids are..... different

We hear this quite often and I wholeheartedly agree. I find it amusing that it is often offered up as a negative aspect to homeschooling. I certainly don't agree it's negative.... I believe it is quite positive.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has children people regularly comment about. We've all heard, "Your kids are so good. They're not wild like most kids. How did you get them to say yes mam?" LOL!

Here's another example of how homeschooled children are different:

Navin said the ordeal started when the student pulled out a picture of her boyfriend.

"It was disrupting the class. We had some stuff to do. We were supposed to be taking notes and she's passing it around, and I just picked it up," Navin said. "They're cheering her on -- that's not unusual when you got a lot of high school kids -- to cheer on the fight."

Hmmm, not unusual behavior for the other children to cheer on the abusive and disruptive child. I knew this was fact already from my own ps experience. But, thank you to this teacher for reminding me of another way I enjoy my children being different.

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