Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Animals galore

What do you get when you add two goats, several chickens and two guinea fowl to a family that already has a dog, cat and three parakeets?

Well... in short you get one mom doing a lot of farm work.

Our chickens are doing quite well and are fairly easy to maintain. We have been getting at least one egg per day, most days two eggs. The guineas are just as fine however they are very noisy and make a larger... um..... mess than chickens.

The goats are a bigger issue. These little guys are just adorable and it's a good thing. We have bought another goat named Sunshine (so Max won't be lonely of course) . She is much bigger than Max and is only about 2 1/2 months older. But, she is still bottle fed which is a good thing as it tames her down quite a bit.

You should've seen this goat when we first added her to the chicken coop. She went well.... hog wild! She was literally running along the chicken coop walls.

You may be wondering why we have our goats in a chicken coop. It's a good question and I have an even better answer. We weren't prepared. :) But just today we began working on the goat yard and mini barn. Hopefully by tomorrow evening we will have it complete.
But, it gets better folks.... the weather has been bitter cold here in our corner of Kentucky. Just yesterday we had golf ball size hail. (It really did a number on my freshly planted flowers too.) So, the two (still very young) goats slept in our home, our laundry room to be exact.
Here are some tips for anyone interested:
1. Paper towels are essential.
2. Lysol is good.
3. Chlorox is better.
4. Vacuums don't smear like brooms.
5. Goats will call each other if they are separated. For your own sanity, keep them together.
I am still very much living my dream of country living and wouldn't trade it for the world. But now I have a much more realistic view of exactly how nitty-gritty some chores can be.

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