Monday, March 26, 2007

The cutest little thing

Just look at this little guy! Isn't he just the sweetest thing?
This is our newest addition to our mini-farm. He is a 6 day old boer goat. I haven't measured him but I would guess he is only about 15" tall. Some day this little fellow will grow to an amazing 240 - 300 pounds!
I was just thinking this morning,
I am living my dream right now.
I was sitting on the deck, the sun was rising. I could hear the guineas squawking and the rooster crowing. The horses were playing in the pasture next to my home and my little goat was learning to climb using my legs! I am in HEAVEN!
I think the boys and I will look into 4H today. Anyone have any 4H experience you would like to share? We have never been involved and I have no idea what they are like.


  1. Okay, #1 the goat is the cutest, does he have a name yet? #2 I have 2 right brained children which is a blessing, because I am right brained as well. I am left handed and so is Matthew(9) and I think Nathan as well, who I have been told is ADHD. He is active and sees in pictures, has a vivid imagination and is brilliant! However not suited to traditional education. We have had such success with our own brand of learning, I don't think we will ever go back!

  2. LOL, we have not named him yet but we're open to suggestions. I like Tag but it doesn't seem so popular with the other members of the family.
    I like the name Tag because he tags along everywhere I go. When he gets bigger I'm sure he will tag (head butt) quite a bit as well.

  3. Adorable! Glad you recognize and apprecite the wonderful things in your life. You are very lucky to be living your dream! My mom used to tease us that she would buy a goat if we wouldn't cut the grass. LOL! I was horrified at the thought. Now, I would love to have a "mini farm" and I don't think my kids would mind one bit ;-)
    Good luck with your goat!
