Sunday, April 8, 2007

If you give a homeschooler a goat

If you give a homeschooler a goat....
they will fall in love with the little booger
search three book stores for goat books
analyze the internet for any goat information
join any yahoo groups about goats
research the specific breed of the goat
research and change the goat's diet to a more natural option
research goat behavior
buy another goat (the little guy needs a pal!)
bring them in when the weather turns cold (into the laundry room, to be exact)
research the best cleaning methods
experiments with bleach, vinegar and dish detergent will occur
search Heloise for any mention of a goat urine cleaning solution
the laundry will pile up (the goats ARE in the laundry room)
(mom will go a little nuts)
convert an old shed into a mini-barn
put up fencing as a family Easter day project
dad will build a goat climbing gym from old Cedar tree trunks
mom will rejoice to reclaim the laundry room
the goats will be tickled pink to get OUT of the laundry room

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