Thursday, April 13, 2006

Mowing the lawn

Well, I couldn't take any more chicken coop work. LOL, I am SO tired of chicken wire. I've given up my Friday self-imposed deadline. But....
I mowed the lawn today. I would say I cut about one acre with the push mower. I have the blisters on my hands to prove it. ;)
Then, bless his heart, my neighbor came over with his tractor and started cutting the back acre! Can you believe that? How nice!
But wait, it's get's better. He, Andy, stops and asks me if I want to use his riding mower for the rest. He says I'll faint dead away if I push mow anymore.
So, after a brief tutorial I start mowing. I'll admit, I was pretty timid at first. I've never used a riding mower before. Not to mention that I know how much they cost and was very afraid of somehow breaking his.
But, after about 1 1/2 hours on the riding mower I finished the rest.
The only thing left is some weed-eating and some of the back acre. Andy is going to come tomorrow and finish it. Apparently the back acre is so rough that it will tear up a riding mower and requires an actual tractor.
I can't believe most of the lawn is cut now!
Rich will be so happy when he comes home. Maybe happy enough to help some more on the chicken coop. :)

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