Monday, April 24, 2006


We have chickens! 20 of them to be exact.

I haven't taken any pics yet because I've got to charge my batteries for my digital camera. LOL, but I can't find the cord for the charging base. Oh well, that's the way things go. Maybe tomorrow I will get out there and take a few pics.

I've really enjoyed having them so far.

I find myself sitting outside watching them for long periods of time. They are quite calming for me.

Right now they are about 10 weeks old. In June they should be fully feathered and we will be able to determine how many roosters we have. We only want two roosters, any more than that and they will fight. In September they should start laying and that will be a blast! I really can't wait to get fresh eggs.

I have learned several things from my chickens so far:
1. They eat, ALOT.
2. They do things as a flock. It's as if some lead chicken declares, "Okay, it's time to eat now!"
3. Dogs really want to eat chickens. Luckily they (the neighbor's dogs) haven't succeeded yet.
4. They drink ALOT of water.
5. They are a hoot to watch.
6. They are not nearly as stinky as I would have thought they would be.
7. They poop ALOT. I'm sure this is from all the eating and drinking. :)

I've named a few. But right now it is hard because many of them look alike. Not to mention that I don't know what's a hen and what's a rooster. But, so far I have:
a large white think it's a rooster named KFC
a small white one named Nugget
a small buff colored one named Grace.... hoping she's a hen.
a black one we think is a rooster named Shadow (Richie named him)

My favorites are the blue chickens. If they all turn out to be hens I will name those three Faith, Hope and Love. (Awe, sweet, huh?)
I'm sure I will fit in a Lilly, Calla and a Rose somewhere in there too.
I'm really digging using girl names!

1 comment:

  1. I hope all those are Hens too...My inlaws only ment to get all hens...but ended up with a cockroll (sp?)They also have araconnas...Very colorful feathers and eggs too. I think your chicks are a lot older then my inlaw's birds where when they got them. So you shouldn't have to wait so long for eggs, ah?
