Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Chicken pics

Shadow (black) has feathered legs, so far he is the only one. Grace is the cream colored chicken and is my smallest of them all. She is also my only buff colored chicken.

This second pic is inside the coop. I have 3 blue Americauna chickens which are my favorite of all. (You can see one on the top shelf.) The large white chicken is named KFC, the small white named Nugget. Yes, you guessed it. If we ever eat any of them it will be those two. ;)

Here is the chicken coop after. This is still a work in progress. I have some building materials to clean up. The white tarp at the left of the pic is covering lots of bricks and the black trash bags contain loads of cans for recycling. Eventually I will also plant some nice flowers around the coop. Perhaps a window box planter as well.

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