Thursday, May 18, 2006

Was music always this bad?

Hmm, I wonder, which is it? Is it getting older or maturing?
For some time I have noticed changes. Not bad changes, but changes.
For example, has music always been this bad??
It seems that all "pop" music these days is about nothing but sex. (In graphic detail.)
Then, "rock" seems to be all about whiny men.

Let's see if I can write a rock song for some new artist....
"Oh yeah, I'm such a dweeb.
I'm just laying here in my hole,
staring at you.
But, you don't see me because you are too pretty.
You aren't covered in blood and mud like me."

Uhuh, that seems to pretty well cover it, doesn't it?
I better watch out or those lyrics will be the next big hit. *rolls eyes*

Okay, let's try a pop song....
"Oh yeah girl,
you are so ****** hot.
Your **** looks so great in those pants.
Shake your ***** all around in my face.
Take it down, left and right.
Then go and do it over there to him,
because I want to get some money pimping you."

Now, here is the girl's part....
"Oh yeah Daddy,
You are my pimp,
I love your pimpy ways.
You drive me wild when buy me things.
Buy me expensive things,
lots of ice.
If you want to be with me
you better spend money on me."

Was music always this bad??

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