Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spelling workout/ Dictation The Well Trained Mind style with a twist for advanced students

Whew! Is that title long enough? I'll explain. I've been searching blogs relentlessly to gather different information on classical homeschooling. What I've found... We bloggers don't do a very good job of titling our work. We normally title it something cute, or catchy, or dreamy.... That's fine and all, but it does make it hard to gather information.

Anyway... I digress.

Richie has always been an ace speller. I have never been able to find a spelling program advanced enough for him. I recently decided to assign an old Spelling Workout E book to him for daily practice. In all honesty it's just busy work. He was too advanced for this book three years ago.
So, I looked to the highest level of Spelling Workout and ordered it from PaperBackSwap. Well, I thought I ordered it. Turns out, I actually ordered the Teacher's Edition. This turns out to be a good thing. Here's how I'm going to use it.

In each section there is a "Final Replay Test" where the student spells 50 words. Each word has a sentence provided.
For example:
The word is- doubt.
The sentence is- I have no doubt that I will finish on time.

I plan to use these sentences for dictation. If there are any missed words, we can fall back to the lesson to learn the spelling rule. We will likely cover ten sentences per day.

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