Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The United States' answer to everything... just throw money at it

I can't even rant this morning about this. I just keep thinking the same thought over and over in my mind- Those fucking idiots.

NSTA Legislative Update
January 19, 2009

House Leadership Introduces Stimulus Package

“The economy is in a crisis not seen since the Great Depression.” Thus begins the summary text of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009, the stimulus package introduced by House Democrats last week as “the first crucial step in a concerted effort to create and save 3 to 4 million jobs, jump start our economy, and begin the process of transforming it for the 21st century with $275 billion in economic recovery tax cuts and $550 billion in thoughtful and carefully targeted priority investments with unprecedented accountability measures built in. “

In regard to science and math education and research and development, the stimulus package funds many of the priorities in America Competes. Language calls for an additional investment of $3 billion for the National Science Foundation, including $100 million to improve instruction in science, math and engineering. $60 million would be directed to the Robert Noyce Scholarship program and $40 million would go to the NSF Math and Science Partnerships.

Funding for other education initiatives in the stimulus package include:

$41 billion to local school districts through Title I ($13 billion); IDEA ($13 billion); a new School Modernization and Repair Program ($14 billion); and the Education Technology program ($1 billion).
$79 billion in state fiscal relief to prevent cutbacks to key services, including $39 billion to local school districts and public colleges and universities distributed through existing state and federal formulas, $15 billion to states as bonus grants as a reward for meeting key performance measures; and $25 billion to states for other high priority needs such as public safety and other critical services, which may include education.
$15.6 billion to increase Pell grants by $500.
$6 billion for higher education modernization .
The package also contains $200 million for competitive grants to school districts and states to provide financial incentives for teachers and principals who raise student achievement and close the achievement gaps in high-need schools and $100 million for competitive grants to states to address teacher shortages and modernize the teaching workforce.

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