Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Plan

So, I have my new record book... Now what? Well, fill in all those lessons that have been floating around in my head of course! I wonder if the boys know they will be starting lessons again soon? Actually, in my defense, they requested to continue Story of the World during the summer months.

First, the schedule-
personal care
make bed
animal care
group lessons
individual lessons/Remington's nap/silent reading hour
independent work
free time
clean bedroom
personal care

You'll notice there aren't any times listed. This was not an accident. Although, some chores must be completed before others. Such as, the animals must be fed before you allow yourself to eat lunch. This, IMO, creates a more natural timeline for the day. (Hopefully! *wink*)

Finally... The Plan-
Daily group lessons:

Wisdom is not finally tested in schools,
Wisdom cannot be pass'd from one having it to another not having it,
Wisdom is of the soul,
is not susceptible of proof,
is its own proof.
-Walt Whitman

Each day the CPQ (Character Penmanship Quote)is to be written in best penmanship. In addition to that-
M- Disucss CPQ and look up unfamiliar words
T- Continue discussion of CPQ
W- Discuss examples of the moral/lesson
T- Write examples (in proper grammatical form) of moral/lesson
F- Rewrite (in proper grammatical form) moral/lesson

Continue where we left off with the ancients. (mummify chicken, make heiroglyphics, two additional reading books)

Continue in Drawing With Children lessons. (We purchased new pastels for this reason. Now the boys have an box of their own.)

Chalkboard grammar lessons-
These are basic grammar lessons presented via chalkboard using college reference books. This will soon include recap with First Language Lessons

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