The Plan (Part 2)
Oops! I published that last post "The Plan" way before I was finished listing our daily work. (Sorry!) Here's the rest.
Individual daily lessons with the boys-
math drill
English from the Roots Up
speaking more clearly
Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading
math drill
All About Spelling
Remington- (review & learn)
OPGTR (maybe)
Work to be completed independently by the boys-
marine life/ocean study
daily writing (story starter, lists, compositions, examples of today's grammar lesson, etc...)
summer nature study
copy work
daily writing (same as above)
Whew! Okay, now I'm finished.
It really doesn't take as long as it seems it would to complete these lessons. (It's all in how you coordinate them.)
Also, we are still (anxiously) awaiting the arrival of some of this "year's " books. We still have not received English From The Roots Up, the associated flash cards, First Language Lessons, All About Spelling, or A Kids Summer Eco Journal. In the meantime we will be substituting with our current programs.
You may have noticed we are not currently using our beloved MUS. We (I) still love MUS. I just want to make certain the boys are really on top of their math facts. So, MUS has been put aside until they demonstrate mastery of the facts they should (in theory) already know. I'm not sure how long this will take. Shamefully, it's been some time since I have quizzed them. I mean, don't get me wrong, I still grade their worksheets. They are passing. They are filling in the correct answers. But, I think we all know that doesn't exactly equal knowledge.
At least not around here it doesn't.
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