Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Another letter from the Director of Pupil Personnel

Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first and the lesson afterwards.

Today I received another letter from the DPP. Here is the first contact with this county's school officials and here is the first letter I received from them after the contact. Ooh, and you're going to love HSLDA's reply.
So, now another letter which states:

In accordance with the best practice document, developed Aug 21, 1997 for the state of Kentucky, to be a bona fide Hoe School, each parent should notify the superintend of their school district within the first two weeks of school of their intent to operate a home school.

According to our records, we received notification from you of your intent to homeschool this year. We would like to set up a voluntary review of your attendance records, curriculum, work samples, and grades in each area of study for each student being homeschooled.

We are inviting all parents operating home schools to attend a brief meeting on June 5th at 1pm at the Stuart Pepper Middle School library. You will have the opportunity to drop off copies of the requested materials, meet other homeschoolers and meet myself as the school districts liaison to homeschools.

This meeting is not to discuss the teaching techniques or curriculum used but merely a review to verify that there is an education process for all children of Meade County.

If you would prefer an individual review at another time or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 422-7500.

Jason Sutton Director of Pupil Personnel

How I wish these administrators would read the law before contacting me.
Here's the irony, the location for the meeting (Stuart Pepper Middle School) just had a gun brought in by a student last month.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I guess I haven't been here in a while. Sorry about that. Don't give up on the blogging, I love your posts! I can't believe they sent out that letter. It sounded like the wolf in sheep's clothes, calling to the sheep. How awful, I am so glad I don't live in your state! I am so happy that you have the voice and stregnth to fight for what is right for your children.
