Thursday, April 26, 2007

RIP baby Max

Sunshine with the chickens

Devan feeding Max

Well, raising animals can be a very good lesson on mortality.
Unfortunately, our beloved goat Max died a few days ago from mysterious causes. We're not 100% certain of the cause of death and did NOT have the heart to dissect him. But we believe it was a fluke. One moment Max was completely healthy, the next he was dead.

We had quite a time with Sunshine after we took Max's body. She mourned his death all day. After seeing her so sad we decided to get a new goat friend for her. The new goat's name is Cletus. (Is that the proper spelling of that name? IS there a proper spelling of such a name? LOL)

I haven't taken a picture of Cletus yet. But, I promise I will add him soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, just catching up. Sorry to hear about the goat, but welcome to the new member of the family. I know about the magic of ants, children find them so fascintating. They are so busy just like children, always somewhere to go or something to do or build. Such a touching post. Love the pics of the climb wow that is one tall hill.
