Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Back to our lessons January 5th, 2009

It's time to get back to our lessons. (I sure wish I could find my planner! It still hasn't been unpacked. Argh!) I want to hit the books hard to complete them all by July 5th. Here's what we did Monday:

Mom and Remington played Mouse Trap (counting)
Completed about 12 pages from PreK skills workbook covering
sorting, classification, patterns (more work needed), counting, and writing letters
PE with Dad (push ups and sit ups)
Richie read a book aloud before naptime

Copywork The Crocodile by Lewis Carroll
Penmanship practice (pring, all letters)
Math worksheet (x, division, +, -)
Read a chapter from Judie Bloom aloud
Silent reading
Phonics and speech instruction
AAS lessons 8 and 9
Short vowels o and u
Rules for using ck after a short vowel

Dictation The Crocodile
EFRU first lesson
Silent Reading
Read aloud to Remington
PE with Dad
Math worksheet (x and division)

Discover new library, get cards, check out books

I also ordered some new materials-
AAS level 2
a Greek alphabet poster

The boys each completed about a dozen pages from their appropriate level workbooks. These covered all topics.
Copywork- the ocean floor definitions
Silent reading
Muddin' with Dad

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