Wednesday, October 1, 2008


It always happens in the same manner. I spend hours pouring over our fabulous new homeschooling materials, prepare the lessons for an entire week, rehearse any new lessons for the day, and head into the living room. The living room, by the way, is where the boys hang out the most in our new place.

So..... what's the problem, huh?
(I'm assuming you're wondering this at this point. Of course, I'm also assuming that someone is reading this.)

The problem is this- I walk into the living room to find the boys peacefully learning. Yup. Despite my best efforts to educate them, they had already taken matters into their own hands. Richie was reading the newest Christopher Paolini book. Devan and Remington were creating *another* game which always involves massive amounts of papers cover with.... You guessed it, writing.

So, I left them alone and pitched the lessons to the side for another day.

1 comment:

  1. You assumed correctly... someone else is reading this. ;)

    Learn on their own? Who'd have thought? lol
