Our planned lessons for today
Last night, with my new books in hand, I worked into the night to create this week's lesson plans. Keep in mind, these are a rough outline. These plans are neither exhaustive nor rigidly followed. ;)
Monday, October 1st, 2007
Language Arts-
Grammar (using the Grammar Smart book) This is remedial instruction in order to build confidence and ease of our new lessons.
Noun instruction- What is a noun?
As a class (on the blackboard) create a list of examples for each category: person, place, and thing. Then, each child create list of 10 examples for each category.
*Not sure if it's a noun? Try putting "a" or "the" in front of the word to see if it makes sense. For example: a boy, the train, a city....
We will continue to review nouns this entire week:
T- proper nouns
W- plural and singular nouns
T- collective nouns
F- two quizzes covering the information
Dad's writing assignment
Compile a list of 10 things you *need* to survive.
(This is in preparation for a pretty neat survival camping adventure.)
Phonics (Using the Phonics From A to Z book)
Phonemic Awareness Assessment for Christopher and Devan
Richie- complete a page in Spelling Workout workbook
Remington- letter recognition work
Spelling (Using AVKO Sequential Spelling program)
Christopher and Devan- complete one spelling quiz/lesson
Richie- two spelling quizzes/lessons
All boys read aloud (to me) from any reasonable book choice. (15 minutes each)
Richie- a few of Benjamin Franklin's wise proverbs
Christopher and Devan- a list of different words: truck, trick, treat; candy, car, ant, can't; stick, stuck, stack, stock. Also, boys take turns saying aloud an example sentence for each word.
Writing Assignment from Mom-
Top Secret!! Where is your comfy spot at our house?
The location is where the boys will begin independent study time in the future. I believe we will have independent study time every other day. The boys will be allowed to do any activity they wish so long as they identify (to me) what they plan to learn. Then, after the activity, they must tell me what the *did* learn.
Science (Using the 150 great experiments book) These are a lesson plus an experiment. Some will have additional lessons from outside sources.
The moon and our ocean's tides
Our broken Earth
What is soil?
History (Review using new history book)
Define the word revolution
The American Revolution discussion
Create time line figures
We just played "what things do we need to survive..." the other day. Fun game, huh? I would like to plan a camping trip that involves REAL camping--no campground, just us and the wild. So we've been discussing how we can do that with only the stuff we can carry on our backs.