Sunday, August 12, 2007

Calculators, SpellCheck and Clusters

What do you get when you give a student a calculator instead of teaching them how to compute math them self?
Or, what about when you "teach" a child how to compute math using "clusters"? (If you're unfamiliar with clusters you must watch this video: )
Oh... here's a great one too. What do you get when you don't teach a child how to spell but instead have them complete all their written work on a computer with instructions to use SpellCheck?

Well, my friends, I can tell you. What you get is a child who has been "left behind" and a homeschooling mother who is so angry she could rip off her own face to have something to throw at a school staff member.

Doesn't sound too pleasant, does it?


  1. Are you serious?! Did the other kids write their assignments out?
    My oldest struggels as well and it is always frustrating to me that they are willing to accept less from him.(nothing near this extreme though!) They wouldn't do that if it was their child. They're just another face. And don't forget these kids, like your son and mine, wouldn't be having the problems if the parents would do more - LOL!

    ARe you still doing the other blog with the stories of teachers molesting kids - drugs etc?

  2. I don't know about the other kids in the class. I will ask him about it though.

    It gets better... I was checking through the district's math books. Wow! How they claim to teach math is astounding. I'll blog about it today.

    I'm not updating my "It can happen in your school" blog right now. I just don't have the time to maintain it with all the work I'm doing with Christopher right now. But, I'm sure at some point I'll pick it up again.
