Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Yes! A homeschooling magazine which is *actually* about homeschooling!

Through the years I have searched through many magazines for homeschoolers with much disapointment. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm positive some of the magazines I have scoffed at are a perfect fit for other families.... just not my own.

And finally, after much searching I have found the perfect homeschooling magazine for our family.

If you are like me, you have found yourself growing tired of searching through other magazines for some information on homeschooling. Strange how that happens, isn't it? How I had longed for a magazine that stayed on the focus. After all, the topic IS homeschooling.

;) If I had a penny for everytime I realized a "homeschool" magazine was
actually a homechurch magazine I would be a rich woman.

Home Education Magazine was the answer to my frustrations. Gone are the sermons, in their place you can find information on different homeschooling approaches. Would you like to know how to raise a writer, use boomerangs, or become a more effective homeschool advocate? Perhaps you are interested in teaching your chidren a foreign language, music or the real meaning of large numbers. You can find all this and more in this month's Home Education Magazine!

I feel the need to point something out- I am not anti-religious homeschool magazines. I understand why many families wish to have a strong focus on their religious beliefs integrated throughout their homeschooling studies. But I can't for the life of me, justify reading a homeschool magazine which actually has *very little* homeschooling information. :)


  1. Hello, I love your little cartoon on the homepage of your blog. Check out the shirt that I made you will have a good laugh. www.homeschoolboutique.com
    Let me know what you think.

  2. Cute shirt Tracy. I tried to follow your name back to your blog but it says there is none available?
