Sunday, June 24, 2007

I got these 3 books free!

Wow! Has anyone introduced you to PBS yet?

I found this site today via a link on some one's blog. (I wish I knew now, I would thank her.) It's a nice online book swap. (Kind of like the homeschool group's book swap.. only more books!) I've added 14 books to trade and so far 4 have been selected by someone. Once we finalize the swap and they receive the books I will get credit to choose my own books for free.

But wait! It gets better. Apparently the company realizes people like me need instant satisfaction. :) So, once you list 9 books to swap you receive a 3 book credit. Oh.... I've already spent my credits. That took about one minute.

Don't leave yet! There's still more to this deal. It's FREE! Yup, I swear, honest to goodness FREE. The only money involved is what you pay to ship a book to some one. Yes, really really.

So, come to the swap! I've added a quick link in the sidebar on the right. If you decide to join, which I would recommend you do, please keep me listed as who referred you. LOL, I get more book credits that way. ;)

On a personal note, I really enjoy the thought of swapping out books. I've simply acquired too many books which we haven't (and aren't likely to) read. In a way, using this book swap is helping me organize!


  1. Hi maybe it was my blog where you found PBS. I notice I recieved a referal credit and wanted to thank you and ask where you got my name. Now I know.

    Love your blog and I will be back.

    BTW Love the bookshelves!!


  2. Yeah! It was you. :)
    Thank you so much for having the link on your blog. I'm really enjoying this program.
