Saturday, June 9, 2007

Conversation with a public school pusher....

Me- "I meant to speak with you before about this. Richie tells me someone in your house was trying to convince him to attend public school."

PSP- "Oh, I certainly don't know anything about that."

Me- "Richie says someone guaranteed him the local public school would be safe."

PSP- "Well, I work in our local public schools and..."

Me- "Oh,then you are aware of the Stuart Pepper Middle School incident?" (Our local middle school had a gun and ammo brought in by a student.)

PSP- "Yes and I am aware of the Flaherty incident which happened today. But, the chance of home invasion is pretty high too." (I haven't heard of this one... yet.)

Me- "Well, we both live in homes so I'm not sure how that applies. Also, it's really a stretch."

PSP- "Yes, well it's a violent world. I could go to McDonald's and be shot."

Me- "Yes, but your argument makes no sense. There is violence in all the world, no doubt. However, the purpose of going to McD's is to eat. If you can do so safely you will. The purpose in schooling is so the child is educated. In my homeschool I know my child IS safe while studying."

PSP- "But the problem comes when you aren't out in public...."

Me- "Wait a minute. Before you finish that sentence let me ask you something. How did you come to the impression that we don't go out in public?"

PSP- "Oh, I'm sure you're out in public."

Me- "Good because it would be silly for you to believe we are social recluses. So, I guess we don't need to have that out in public conversation, right?"

Ack! It's the same silly argument everywhere you go. When will people begin to use logic?

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