Monday, June 4, 2007

Census Bureau Issues Per-Pupil Spending Data

The United States spent an average of $8,701 per pupil to educate its children in 2005, the Census Bureau reported on May 24, noting that some states paid more than twice as much per student as others. New York was the biggest spender on education at $14,119 per student, with New Jersey second at $13,800, and the District of Columbia third at $12,979, the Census Bureau said. Seven of the top 10 education spenders were Northeastern states. The states with the lowest spending were Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Mississippi, and Oklahoma. The 10 states with the lowest education spending were in the West or South. The May 25 Reuters article provides additional information on education spending.

I'll have to come back to this one. But, I'm interested in knowing how these states rank with their education numbers. IOW, does this extra (or lack of) spending help? Also, can you imagine what types of fun stuff we could do with $8,701 to homeschool?

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