Friday, June 15, 2007

And the award for "really dumb teacher" goes to....

It was recently awards time in public school. You remember how they should work, right? The students all watch in awe as a fellow student is awarded for some great action or work. It's always flattering to receive awards, especially with your peers closely watching. It creates a sense of pride and accomplishment.

These two teachers chose to present two awards to a 6th grade boy. Sounds nice huh? What were little Matt's awards you may ask?

"Most likely not to have children" award
"Sir clowns-a-lot" award

So, what do you think Matt's feelings were receiving these awards?

Let's give these two teachers what they deserve, an award.

"Really dumb teacher" award

Of course, as usual the school spokesman has said the following,

Gary Pellico, spokesman for the school system, declined to say whether
the teachers have been disciplined
. He said system officials regret the incident.
"We don't feel like it was an
appropriate awards ceremony at all," Pellico said. "It wasn't part of the
school's award ceremony, and it will not happen again."

That's what they always say, "We regret the incident. It won't ever happen again. We won't tell you if the teachers were disciplined." That's because the teachers are normally NOT disciplined folks. And what happens when someone is not disciplined and made to see their stupid ways? They repeat the incidents, of course.

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