Monday, April 16, 2007

Monitoring homeschoolers?

Unfortunately, I do not know the author but I want to share this.

I wonder if you mind someone- me maybe? - walking into your home, right now, to see what you are doing? Are the kids eating? What are you feeding them? Do you know how to feed them? Please show me, so that I may know that you, in fact, know how to feed them. How about you give me a list of what your children have worn so far this year - use worksheets that have pictures of children with various seasons' clothes on, please, though - with dates- I need to know that you are actually doing this throughout the year, and I need to also see that it appears that it's been filled-out by your child, and not you. What playing are they doing? Do you read to them? Do you make the appropriate seasonal decorations together?

If you have nothing to hide, then allow me to have a typed-up list of what you do in your home, at various times throught the year. I would like a schedule, too, and exact names if games you have played with them. If I disapprove, I will let you know, and expect you to change your list. Then, I will expect proof of this at the end of the year, to make sure that you have done well.

What are they wearing? Have you yet given me the list of what outfits you may be planning on them wearing this year? Please show me pictures of your children wearing the appropriate gear in the snow. Also, I would like you to describe how you chose what they wore, and why. This should NOT, though, offend or annoy you. I am looking out for your children, and you are not capable of being trusted to do this on your own, without me keeping track of you and your child. If this offends or annoys you, you are being silly and selfish, and not thinking about all the other kids in this world that are being abused or neglected by their parents/caregivers.

Also, you must not ever leave the house, so if I don't check up on you, you may not be caught if you are abusing or neglecting your children. I have to assume the worst possible scenario of you and your choice to homeschool. The TV tells me so. If your kids were in school, I could SEE that they MUST be OK. After all, the schools and those complete strangers, who know nothing of you or your children, and who must care about your children more - as they were taught to, in college - are more trustworthy and less of a risk than you, the person who carried your child in your body, and who fed and clothed and protected and raised your children, up until Sept. 1st of the year that each of your children turned 6.

On that magical day, you ceased to be trusted, and became someone to monitor and question by me.

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