Thursday, March 15, 2007

Homeschool conventions

In the midst of a mountain of curriculum choices I now have another choice to make. Which homeschool convention should I attend? There are two conventions in opposite directions from my home the very same weekend. So, all I need to do is choose, right? One would think it were that easy. The Libra in me comes out to play... more so when decision making time rolls around. *sigh* It's a problem we Libras have- indecisiveness .

Often times I wish I had the courage to flip a coin.

On one side is a fine convention located in Indianapolis, Indiana. The convention offers many sessions from several different speakers. However, it does not offer nearly as many options as the other side of the coin....
The Cincinnati, Ohio convention offers many more options as well as a longer convention day. However, it seems many of the workshops are little more than an elaborate curriculum presentation.

The Indiana convention offers a fun looking kid's convention.. for a hefty fee. It even looks like something the boys would enjoy. But, and there's always a but, they do not run background checks on their volunteers and that's not something I'm comfortable with.
The Ohio convention offers the ability to bring your children along to the workshops. But, that would mean at least some portion of my time would be used directing the boys to,

"Stop squirming, it won't be much longer. Shhhh!"

At the Indiana convention I could take classes such as:
Why homeschooling will change the world (That's a big goal, if you ask me.)
Teaching Jr high/high school science (It won't be too much longer til the boys are that age.)
Getting back on track. (I think this teaches organizational skills which I could certainly use.)
How to teach math.

At the Ohio convention I could take classes such as:
Unit studies 101
Using art to reinforce core subjects (A very neat-o idea)
Writing the essay
Making brothers and sisters best friends (Oh my, I sure hope this helps!)
The importance of teaching Latin (My 10yo really wants to learn Latin...pass the Advil.)
The well trained mind (Always the classic.)
Teaching preschoolers

Both conventions are about 2 1/2 hours away from home. Neither convention has a class I am interested in for every session. But, I could use the time to shop the curriculum fair. Which leads me right back to my last post. Oh, I can see it now... swamped with even more curriculum choices!

I think maybe I may just use a coin toss to decide once and for all.

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