Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Okay, here's the thing... I'm a cusser. I guess there is no eloquent way to word this. I enjoy using profanity. I curse quite a bit. I use four letter words. There, I fucking said it. Well.... typed it.
So, I've noticed when I blog I don't curse. Which is strange because in real life I cuss like a sailor.
Yes, I realize it's not lady like nor feminine.
Yes, I realize they are bad words.

Here's the thing, I even curse in front of my children. To us, they are simply words. (Yet, they are words one isn't privileged to use until the age of.... I dunno.. until you're a damned adult I suppose.) But anyway, I realized... I curse in front of my spouse, children, strangers, etc... Why don't I curse online? Why did I feel the need to censor myself in the most open of open areas of communication?

Anywho, the point is this- I'm more than likely going to be cursing in my upcoming posts because that's just the way I talk. If this offends you, I am deeply sorry. Please feel free to move on.

Also, if cursing offends you then you will likely really be offended soon. Because I'm kind of done with the censoring myself. I know I am sitting here 3 beers in and waiting til I can open the next icy cold one. Why should I pretend it isn't my reality and chosen (and beloved) life? After all... it's my blog. :)


  1. AMEN SISTER! Just words. Really Crass words, but they get the point across do they not?
    Today at one of our homeschool gatherings one of the moms came to a friend of mine and said "I just have to tell you, I caught your son saying the "F" word" Well, she was mortified of course and said quietly "he said...fuck?" and the mom was flabbergasted. She replied "NO!!! he said 'fart'".
    Fart? My girlfriend and I just stood there with our mouths agape. I finally broke the silence with "It's a good fucking thing it wasn't my kid, I'd beat his fucking ass" LOL
    Geeze, they're gonna kick me out.

  2. Bwaaaaah! Girl, we have to begin speaking up for ourselves. It is about time we (the perverted ones) get to meet up and have our own meetings! :)
    No more pretending.

  3. Oh, my God! That is so funny Crystal. Ummm, you want to move down here. We could hang out.

    My children will be allowed to curse when they can back it up. Also, when they understand the words they are saying.:) My oldest asked what fuck meant. When I told him (a couple years ago at the same time he found out what sex was when he WAS NOT READY to know), he vowed NEVER to use that word. LOL

  4. LOL! You go girls! I'll never understand the big deal surrounding specific words. Even though I can't bring myself to cuss and don't do it naturally, I STILL think words are just words, who cares anyway?

  5. Yep, you're a cusser :) - As you said it's your blog - you should by all means be yourself
