Saturday, March 8, 2008

The "homeschoolers should be certified to teach" argument

While debating the latest fiasco in California, I recently made the following statement. I thought it was good enough to repeat here.

The kids are being taught by mom
We don't like all the freedom/control these parents have over their kids
The kids are outscoring our own public school kids
but we don't care (and we call for regulation)
because we somehow forget the entire point IS educating the kids
which is clearly happening at a higher rate in homeschools
than in our own public schools
but we don't really want to fix our own problems
we want money! more money and
if we can just get those damned homeschoolers
back into our system we can
bank at least 5grand on each of them
and regain the power to make the
same parents (who we have decided are inept at teaching)
to now help with homework!!
and we can say to those parents
Johnny isn't trying enough in school
his grades aren't slipping because I'm not a good teacher
his grades are slipping because he isn't trying!!
forget about the fact that he is now competing with 30 other kids
for one MINUTE of my teaching instruction
forget about the fact that he once had one-on-one instruction
as the norm for his lessons
forget how I said you aren't qualified to teach
you have to teach this to Johnny at home
because he won't pay attention (aka listen to me) in class


  1. It drove me nuts the last two years, when Gabriel was in school, that he had to come home and do busy work homework for the amount of time it would have taken for us to get ALL of his work done in the morning.

    Nice argument.

  2. I agree with Kristina. It is CRAZY for these kids to be spending every waking moment on school work. We went through it too.

    As far as being certified to teach and the CA ruling... I think we're all in for it. Most schools are facing budget crunches right now and they'll be looking for ways to get our kids/money back even if by force.

  3. You know the ruling has prompted a discussion between my husband and I. If we ever lived in a state where homeschooling was illegal (or illegal to me) we would move.

  4. Yup, we'd move, too. Slowly, slowly, all the homeschoolers would be driven to one state (kind of a long drawn out Trail of Tears). There, we could homeschool in freedom on the reservation. However, the state would probably be somewhere really cold.:)

  5. Oooh! A state full of homeschoolers! I like that idea.

  6. Imagine the political power we'd have if we all lived in one state.
    Someone once tried to convince a groups of people of like beliefs to all move to one state for that very reason...(It didn't work, but it's a good idea.)
    As long as it's not Alaska...

  7. Yeah, imagine Israel, but for homeschoolers. All of the "natives" would turn into schooling terrorists...forceably dragging our kids into public school would be ugly.

    We would say...."we deserve a free home school state!" They would say: "you STOLE our land!"

    Anyway, I think it's absurd that people want more and more homeschooling regulations. If the mainstream gets wind that homeschoolers are NOT as severely regulated as they assumed we were, they will start a public outcry against our highly effective and happily little homegrown educations.

    Idiots want to make more idiots, it's only fair that way!

  8. >>>>Idiots want to make more idiots, it's only fair that way!

    Bwaah! Too funny!
    You know, I'm still debating this issue online today and idiot is a word that has constantly popped into my mind. ;)

  9. are you debating on a board? if you care to share I'd like to go read - I'm SURE you are making some strong arguments!

  10. Keep up the good work!

  11. I was just thinking that I really wished you could all read some of the stupid shit coming from some people in that debate. It's finally winding down but was quite frenzied and interesting for some time.

    It's in the debate secion at AWW- Here's a link to the website.

    Mind you, this site is for military wives/fiance/SO/etc...

  12. >>I was just thinking.....
    (From my above comment)

    Tone is so hard online.
    Please read that as, "What a coincidence! I was just thinking the same thing!" and NOT, "This is my idea that I'm taking credit for."

  13. just skimming your debate - love this line!..............

    Regulation of homeschooling = taking things from a failing system and forcing them upon a successful system. ...........

    And then the part where the one person said something about why shouldnt homeschoolers have the credentials if teachers have to - why the heck not is what she said - - they dont seem to take into consideration that teachers are being paid TAXPAYER money - that is why they have more accountability -
    if susie wants to homeschool her kids its her business - but if mrs. brown at the public school wants to accept taxpayer money to do a job then yeah we have every right to expect credentials.

  14. OMG, I just spent all day reading through this argument, then skipped to the last 2 pages. Wow, I can't believe what some of these people were saying. FWIW, the reason I am able to spend all day reading this is because I am sick. I was really NOT feeling like teaching. I have always thought that the only REALLY good thing about public schools is the ability to hire a substitute. So, today I hired a substitute.

    I payed Gabriel (10) $1 a lesson to teach the younger 2. I payed each of them 50 cents a lesson for lessons they completed without me having to interfere. I am usually actively involved in their homeschooling, but I have to say that our phonics program is easy enough that the 7 yo could teach the 4 yo the lessons he has already passed.

    Perhaps they need to be certified.

  15. Okay, go check this out at Consent of the Governed.

  16. Yeah, it's really amazing to read what some people write, isn't it? I'm always amazed by the argument put up from the other "side".

    Well, first, there isn't much argument. It's mainly...
    1. I have to, why don't you?
    2. I know lots of homeschoolers kill their kids and can't read or write.
    3. Stop bashing teachers!! (out of nowhere)
    4. I don't have time to talk about this anymore.

    And all through this there is the constant and complete refusal to answer questions.

  17. I can't believe I forgot the main tactic used! The pretend they can't understand the written word. They pretend to have no reading comprehension skills.

    They just can't seem to understand that, "Parents have the responsibility of their children and as such have the authority over them." means just that.

    Somehow when they read this it says, "These are my kids and you can't have 'em and I hate teachers and yall are all dumb and I hate the government and I believe parents should be allowed to kill their kids......."

    Another main tactic they use is dwelling in the minority. They LOVE to tell you horror stories about homeschool kids chained to trees, public school kids coming in with no coat on in the middle of winter, parents who kill their kids, etc.... They really do have it in their minds that the MAJORITY of parents are slowly waiting for the chance to fuck up the kids.

    *Shakes head* I wonder what the teach in some of those teacher classes.*

  18. you know it would be very interesting if homeschoolers did go to get a degree in education - it might be a good thing to have large numbers of homeschool moms in colleges disproving or challenging the usual (mindless lemming) way of thinking -

    i dont know if teachers think the majority wants to mess their kids up - but certainlt think we aren't capable or smart enough to raise them properly even if we have good intentions -

    and just for the record... i teacher bash without shame -
    i highly praise the few good ones I come across - but i feel ill when people worship teachers just because they are a teacher - even if they are horible. Teahers inspire... me to homeschool.
