Friday, January 4, 2008

The joy of cooking

Picture this- I was minding my own business, crocheting a scarf for my dear son Richie. From nowhere my beloved husband asks,

When are you going to find your joy of cooking?

I thought it was a pretty funny (and somewhat inspiring) way to ask that question. Bless his heart, we've been married a dozen years and I still don't cook regularly. Once upon a time, during our new home honeymoon stage, I cooked breakfast every Saturday. It was a nice fat breakfast too.
*Sigh* I guess I kind of dropped the ball on that one. Although I'm sure we have saved ourselves from harm by not eating biscuits, gravy, eggs, and sausage links each week for ten years. I'm sure it's also saved us some pounds around the waist line as well. Ah! I digress.

I have been inspired (or challenged) by my husband to find my joy of cooking. Well, I'm not so sure that will work. BUT, I like taking pictures and blog readers like seeing pictures. So, my goal will be to cook, photograph, and blog about it.... frequently.

Originally, I was inspired to cook and photograph a food each day. That hasn't happened. Also, I did design a whole new blog for the cooking entries. But, well.... it will be easier for me if I do it this way. Also, it's important for me to remember that homeschool is very much about home for me. And that home includes cooking. ;)

All of this has also inspired me to rename our blog. As you may have noticed, our blog is now the JOY OF HOME blog. :) I think it's appropriate.

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