Sunday, January 27, 2008

Character penmanship quote ~~January 28- February 1

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security."
-- Benjamin Franklin


  1. Ooh, I like that one. I like all of them. Are you just searching for them, or do you have a specific resource?

  2. Most of the time I search them out based on what I think the boys need practice with. But, this one I stumbled upon while watching a Ron Paul video on YouTube. :D I LOVE Ron.

  3. I'm glad you brought up Ron Paul. I'm hung up on his Iraq stance. "March right out" I believe is what he says. Do you military people think that is the best thing to do?
    I've been approached and am considering some grass roots campaigning - but I can't decide.
    Other than that I love the guy! Even though the media likes to laugh him off he makes sense - he knows what he's talking about.
    I think it's a shame some of the 9/11 truthers and some other wakcos have hurt his cause more than helped it. He's a flippin' genius.

  4. LOL! It's important to remember that us "military people" are just as varied as any other group of people. So, we all have different points of view.
    But, I will say this- I don't know if there is a single presidential candidate that I would agree 100% with on 100% of the issues.
